
Pick Of The Pops (Vol. 1) (LP)

The Hit Parade
all the quintessential tracks from london's number one pop group! favorite track: “Huevos Mexicana” Read more

Cheater (LP)

Pom Poko
Norwegian Post-punk that i have been infatuated with with since hearing Andrew Read more

Cheers (LP)

Jukebox The Ghost
An old favorite who never disappoints Read more

Reeling (LP)

The Mysterines
My favorite new discovery last year Read more

Hollywood Park (Book)

Mikel Jollett
A fantastic read from the lead singer of The Airborne Toxic Event chronicling his tumultuous childhood through the creation of the band. Read more

S.I.D.E.S. (LP)

Alice Merton
Great alternative rock Read more

Sand & Snow (CD)

A Silent Film
Danny, Dakota & the Wishing Well highlights this indie rock staple Read more

Wounded Rhymes (10th Anniversary Reissue) (LP)

Lykke Li
Awesome reissue of her breakout album complete with bonus LP containing the The Lost Sessions and remixes Read more

The Thousand Eyes (Book)

A.K. Larkwood
This is the second book in a really interesting fantasy series called "The Serpent Gates. "The world Larkwood has created is truly unique; with the portals and air-ships, there is a lot of sci-fi thrown in with the fantasy. The characters are all non-human creatures with well developed personalities. The first book, "The Unspoken Name,' has a better story, but I recommend this one too. Read more

Things In Jars (Book)

Jess Kidd
This is an elegantly written mystery with supernatural elements, set in London in the 1800s. It centers around a kidnapped child who may be a mythical creature, and it deftly combines humor with darkness. My two favorite characters are Ruby, the ghost and Cora, the seven-foot-tall maid. Read more

I Don't Want To Be Too Cool (Expanded Edition) (CD)

Kate Fagan
A year or two ago, I read a great book called "Skaboom!: An American Ska & Reggae Oral History" by Marc Wasserman and learned about Heavy Manners, a Chicago ska band fronted by Kate Fagan. I didn't know about her solo career as a New Wave artist, so it was fun to discover this expanded reissue. Quirky, upbeat, early New Wave with great vocals, FTW. Read more

Back To The Woodlands & Where The Woods Begin (CD)

Ernest Hood
Naturalist Hood's two unreleased albums made between 1972 and 1982 using guitar zither synth and field recordings. Lovely perfect Garden Core(thanks Steve Whitwill). If Thoreau made music, or the music of stuff growing. Read more

Houses Of The Wind (CD)

John Luther Adams
Transposed layered aeolian harp recordings sculpted into droning meditative pieces, dark and peaceful. Also, check out his "Become Ocean". Read more

Salt Marie Celeste (CD)

Nurse With Wound
Reissue with extra cd of Steven Stapleton and Colin Potter's creaky rudderless repetitive lost-at-sea hypnotic outlier. A surreal drowning dream. Read more

Shufflemania! (CD)

Robyn Hitchcock
Mr. Hitchcock keeps going with another set of smart dreaminess. Read more

Scalping The Guru (CD)

Guided By Voices
Songs culled from four hard to find E.P.s. A master's mess is better than most peoples best work. Read more

You Want It Darker (CD)

Leonard Cohen
Made right before his death, a final fuck you to the world that after a life of love, suffering, massive creativity, had to witness Donald Trump and the resurgent fascist right. Read more

The Girl From Chickasaw County [Highlights] (CD)

Bobbie Gentry
A dark smokey voice with psych southern gothic overtones. Watch on youtube an old BBC film of her doing "Ode To Billie Joe", one of the best songs about emotional callousness this side of Billie Holiday, and if it doesn't bring a tear to your eye you're stronger than me. Play her music while reading Faulkner. Read more

The Principal (BLU)

Jim Belushi lays the smackdown on a bunch of 30-year-old highschoool students. HIlarious. Read more


One of the greatest films of the 1990's, Matthew Bright's Freeway, has been given the deluxe treatment from Vinegar Syndrome. Includes several minutes of footage that was removed from the R-rated version. One of very few movies that can be labeled as "perfect". Read more