
Nocturnal Vampiric Bewitchment (LP)

Upon first glance/ listen, I would have sworn that Azathoth’s Dream was an obscure 90’s band from France. Low a behold they are a modern day USBM from Pennsylvania. While the production is not as raw as some L.L.N. material nor is it as icy as their counter parts to the north this is a solid album that fully captures the imagination of the band and transports the listener to another night filled place, full of shadow, swamps, and eerie things. Read more

Conversations With Myself (LP)

Elegant, classy, full of soul and spirit Bill Evans is always a pleasure to listen to. On this particular recording Mr. Evans used Glenn Goulds piano and the technology of the day to overdub himself playing, hence creating a conversation with the notes, keys and so on. Make no mistake this is not simply a gimmick album, but a wonderfully complex musical jazz album of the highest order. One last note this stunning reissue features the captivating track “N.Y.C.’s No Lark” an homage to his friend Sonny Clark who died way too early. Read more

Black Classical Music (LP)

God like genius jazz music which showcases galaxies with in mythology within blues within galaxies. This my readers is what music can achieve. I can’t pile on enough praise for this album that seamlessly blends modern with the vanguard of hard bop sensibilities, but wait there are stylings of reggae, country, rock, Afrobeat, polyrhythmic percussion and electronica, thrown together with that special something that U.K. musicians possess . What could have ended up as a disastrous amlagamation of too many spices instead has been blended and remixed into a cohesive and intelligent jazz album that is definitely in my best of the year. Don’t resist, get this album your ears will thank you. Read more

Golden Apples Of The Sun (LP)

Dreamlike synths, lush elemental rhythms and verging on new age Neo classical compositions, Golden Apples Of The Sun is a hypnotic journey made by two master composers of creative ambient music. Read more

Wabi Sabi [reissue] (LP)

A European messing around with Japonism, could spell disaster and poor taste. But…much like the heralded “Eastern Flowers” and “Natura Marta” albums these are tasty love letters and pay much respect to the original source material. Expect great production of booty shaking funk and groove with a nod towards 90’s hip hop, while simultaneously being informed by some of the greatest library music in existence and you will hear why these albums are the bees knees. [Just in case no one else recommends it, “Eastern Flowers” and “Natura Marta” are worth getting too!] Which brings us to Sven Wunder’s latest offering “Late Again”, sharing many of excellent traits of the past releases. “Late Again” is an excellent wind down album or a palate cleanser to continue the party late late late into the dawn. When I listen to “Late Again” I can see myself hanging out in full on bacchanal mode with my homies deep in conversation about this or that, watching the inky black star filled sky fighting the suns first rays, with this being the soundtrack to the new day. So in short - Highly recommended albums that are worth spending all your allowance on. Read more

Void (LP)

There is nothing that I don’t like about this album. Heavy music that has no filler and all fight. Read more

Corrosion Of Hearts (LP)

Granted this was released earlier in the year but I just got around to listening to this album. After a fourteen year hiatus, Austere return with top tier DSBM. Featuring excellent production memorable riffs and amazing vocals. Corrosion Of Hearts is an emotionally raw metal album that indeed has plenty of gloomy and dispirited atmosphere that retains a certain beauty throughout. Read more

The Rime Of Memory (LP)

“It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.” - Marcus Aurelius “So desperate to evade our inevitabilities…we will harness and destroy the very life force we thrive from to just have one more day of youth and ease…we will desecrate the sacred cathedrals of the wilderness, the havens of all life just so that we can have a simpler existence, with more abundant resources for a privileged few… …And then it comes. The well dries up. The forests burn. The smoke filled air choking our lungs…the dust billowing around our homes, our bellies crying out from food scarcity, dry eyes and parched throats seeking shelter from ever violent weather, cowering in the ruins of our landscapes, between walls, huddling in fear of collapse… we look in the mirror and we see: We look old. It all served us nothing. There is no escape from death and grief and loss…So why did we do this?” - Austin Lunn From the moment you enter the world we are already in the process of aging and dying. As many of us get older we recognize that our youth is now past, we experience the loss of friends, family and we begin to feel all the aches, pains and the joy of the atomic cocktail of unknown boogeyman like affliction that you could experience at any given time. Some of us even got to ridiculous lengths to deny or stop this from happening, but as far as I know everyone of us will experience death at some point. Lunn’s latest work of art is both a commentary on the destruction of the earth, climate crisis and loss of wilderness but it is also about the human journey too. Panopticon is always high quality USBM full of character and sincerity. I savor each release and relish with genuine love for the art that is created by Lunn [and anyone else who helps conjure this magick] The Rime of Memory is certainly not a happy album, the moments of grief and emptiness are felt throughout but taken as a whole I find a work of ascendence and solace, of recognition and determination. I am deeply moved by this work of art and cannot recommend this album enough. Read more

Ashes, Organs and Crypts (LP)

I won’t drone on about this particular release but it is great death metal record that is firing on all cylinders to deliver the goods to your ear drums. Again, there is nothing I didn’t like about this one and confidently recommend this album. Read more

When No Birds Sing (LP)

This one is a spot on banger of a collaboration. Ugly and beautiful at the same time. This is one excellent album. Read more

Engraved With Pain (LP)

I cannot believe that this band will be 20 years old in another year, and still making excellent heavy music. While nothing is reinvented, I do hear a certain refining of composition and mature comfortability with their presentation of their art. Kurt Ballou did an excellent job capturing their sound and the mix is wonderful. Highly recommended for crust fiends that like metal, sludge and doom. Read more

Desolation’s Flower (LP)

Excellent release of misanthrope blackened music. I remember reading an interview with Ludicra a long time ago expressing they loved black metal, but they lived in a city dealing with life in the city not the Norwegian woods, and wanted to create black metal via their experience, not merely aping their European counter parts. When listening to Desolations Flowers I get the sense the Ragana is achieving much the same but filtering it through their experience, “It's necessary to create environments that are explicitly anti-fascist in the metal scene, and in the world," she says of the festival. "We are anarchists and feminists and we want our music to impassion people to rage and revolt. We want to be part of communities where people are invested and interested in revolution." Ragana is also highly successful at capturing emotional honesty, despair/depression, love and fear within the rawness and atmosphere of modern black metal. Highly recommend. Read more

American Gothic (LP)

“And the answer, said the judge. If God meant to interfere in the degeneracy of mankind would he not have done so by now? Wolves cull themselves, man. What other creature could? And is the race of man not more predacious yet?” - Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian Every time I listen to Wayfarer I am reminded of two things. The first is the satirical comedy, “A Million Ways To Die In The West”, which, in it’s own way is just as truthful as the second thing, which is the canonical Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy. Do I believe that people did great actions, worthy of the myths, absolutely. Do I also believe that America was founded on heinous acts on genocide, slavery and conquest, yes I do. Which brings us to Wayfarer and their fifth offering, American Gothic. First class musicians who have fully developed a sonic landscape that is unique and encapsulates all that is black metal. The production is excellent, well thought out lyrics and a heavy dose of Americana create an album that is shoulders above the rest. Read more

The Cessation Of Suffering (LP)

Ugly experimental music that creates a truly nightmarish experience. This album doesn’t mess round, there is no comfort to be found. Highly recommended for these “unprecedented” times. Read more

Memento Mori (LP)

Much like Cannibal Corpse, Marduk are one of the institutional bands of the second wave of black metal and have been in existence for over 30 years. Uncompromising and controversial since day one, Marduk conjured up a kind of black metal that is all their own. Momento Mori is no different. Marduk has chosen to move away from the highly suspect/sketchy/often questionable fascination with war and their affinity for the German army of WWII, to subjects that harken back to themes of death and smashing the christian. The band is in top form showcasing both a frost bitten complexity and unrelenting pace, that deliver the angry hellfire of black metal that very few bands can. Read more

Black Star Gnosis (LP)

Hypnotic atmosphere abounds with plenty of aggressive venom and bite. Excellent USBM, and yet another veteran legend honorably reinforcing their own ethos. This went in my top ten for the year and is highly recommended. Read more


It takes skill to be able to show human frailty, vulnerability, and emotions in a film that does not condescend nor pander to their insulting banal stereotypes, nor syrupy sweet fairytale, nor hit you over the head with “message”. This is a film that does deal with a particular place and time [1970’s America and in a school for what the 9.5 % of wealthy Americans], but the Director did a brilliant job showing the inequalities and injustices of what was and still is going on in a period that was both the beginning of a new America and the closing of the old [ and how not much has really changed for those on both the bottom of the economic and societal ladder]. But these commentaries are interwoven and take place around the brilliant dialogue and tremendous talent of the actors. Da’Vine Joy Randolphs performance is absolutely masterly and nails every scene they are in. I do not want to give away the plot - you can read about it on Wikipedia if you want to. I do want to say that this is a great movie about character and plot that leads with intellect and heart. Read more

Sunburn (LP)

Dominic Fike
I've been a long time fan of Dominic Fike ever since his rap days (which you can still find on YouTube!!). While his sophomore album includes reminisce of his Southern Florida rapper energy, it mainly focuses on his doubts, faults, pain, and sobriety since achieving the spotlight after 'Don't Forget About Me Demos' back in 2018 which contains his most streamed song '3 Nights'. Fike's live performances are so captivating I can't help but be eager to listen to what he has in store for us next -- and where this journey takes him. Read more

Black Celebration (CD)

Depeche Mode
Black Celebration marks Depeche Mode's initial deep dive into the dark, filled with the experimental electronic eroticism and industrial cacophony that catapulted the group to international stardom. The titular opening track serves as the shape of things to come, with the haunting, sultry tonality that permeates throughout the entirety of this musical masterpiece, like velveteen smoke from the end of a clove cigarette. Read more

The Head on the Door (LP)

The Cure
In contrast to the Cure's emotionally eviscerating, melancholic genius which produced timeless classics such as Faith and Pornography, The Head on the Door highlights the brighter side of The Cure's multifaceted temperament, transforming the group's trademark doom and gloom into something dark, yet danceable, by using mainstream musical influence as a means to express existential turmoil in a way that garnered international acclaim. Read more